222-21M Mini Lever Crimp Connector It is a new product with smaller volume and more compact use space, and is suitable for continuation and branching of household wires. It is easy to use, easy to carry and safe.
773 series wire connector, it's easy to plug in during use, and very popular in the construction and decoration industries. Different poles can be chosen.
Replacement of wago 773 series wire connector, subverting traditional wiring methods/ There are 2 hole, 3 hole, 4 hole, 6 hole and 8 hole. Suitable for 2.5mm² hard wire.
Micro Resistance Painless Lever Crimp Wire Connectors With The Latest
Design Inside The Product, Lever Has Minimal Opening And Closing Resistance,
And Frequent Use Will Not Bring Pain To The Fingertips. After The Wire Is
Connected, The Tension Is Large And It Is Not Easy To Loosen. The Number Of
Connector Holes Can Be Spliced Infinitely According To Requirements.
Din rail connector: PCT-211 can replace uk series, screwless design. There are accessories- metal bar, rubber button and screws, can be use with the connector make it into multi-pole.